Employment, Benefits & Working Conditions


TM & Partners provides expert advice on Swedish employment law issues.

All businesses are about people. This is the most important resource for practically all organisations and companies are almost daily confronted with a variety of issues relating to their personnel and their well-being. Our highly reputable employment law team advises Swedish and foreign clients on a broad range of matters relating to different types of employment and related rights and obligations, and guides them through often complex negotiation procedures.

We counsel clients on the employment aspects of M&A transactions, transfer of business undertakings, individual terminations and redundancies, employment contracts, change of employment terms, preparation of employee policies and handbooks, measures to protect trade secrets, non-compete and loyalty issues, negotiations relating to collective bargaining agreements, work environment matters, employment dispute resolutions, and pension schemes.

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"The team’s knowledge is incredibly extensive and their ability to constantly work close to clients’ operational reality makes them unique. They are always up to date and make clients feel safe and relaxed."
”The individuals have a lot of knowledge and keep very high standard. They work close to you and are interested in learning more about your business. They are extremely service minded and give you an answer 24/7. Compared to other firms, TM & Partners are more businessoriented. ”