
Vilma Hansson

Mobile: +46 76 00 283 39

To Our people

Vilma Hansson is an associate in the firm’s Labour & Employment department. She has previous experience from work with banking & finance at the firm. Between the years 2022 and 2023 she took a leave of absence from the firm to work as a law clerk at Södertälje district court.

Mandates | 2025-01-16
TM & Partners has assisted Priveq in connection with an investment in ProTrain
TM & Partners has assisted Priveq in connection with an investment in ProTrain Holding AB and its subsidiaries. ProTrain is a rapidly growing company focusing on providing innovative and flexible services within the railway industry....
TM & Partners has assisted Priveq in connection with an investment in ProTrain Holding AB and its...
Mandates | 2025-01-15
TM & Partners has assisted Highcamp AB in connection with the sale and divestment of Invise Agency AB to Siloy Nordics AB
TM & Partners has assisted Highcamp AB in connection with the sale of Invise Agency AB to Siloy Nordics AB. Invise Agency AB is a digital agency that brings sales, marketing, and technology together. With...
TM & Partners has assisted Highcamp AB in connection with the sale of Invise Agency AB to...
Mandates | 2024-11-28
TM & Partners has assisted LIWLIG Group in connection with the acquisition of PS Occasion
TM & Partners has assisted LIWLIG Group Oy in connection with the acquisition of PS Occasion Holding AB and its subsidiaries. PS Occasion is a Stockholm-based event management agency with 50 employees that has been...
TM & Partners has assisted LIWLIG Group Oy in connection with the acquisition of PS Occasion Holding...
News | 2024-10-01
Employment Law News Q3 2024
In this issue, we focus on several key rulings from the Swedish Labor Court that have significant implications for employers. We delve into case AD 2024 no. 72, where H&M was scrutinized for its handling...
In this issue, we focus on several key rulings from the Swedish Labor Court that have significant...
Mandates | 2024-09-30
TM & Partners has assisted PropTech Energy in connection with the acquisition of Alova Fastighetsteknik AB
TM & Partners has assisted PropTech Energy, majority owned by Procuritas, in connection with the acquisition of Alova Fastighetsteknik AB. PropTech Energy consists of the companies Ömangruppen, Axcell Fastighetspartner and P2 Energi. This acquisition strengthens...
TM & Partners has assisted PropTech Energy, majority owned by Procuritas, in connection with the acquisition of...
Mandates | 2024-07-03
TM & Partners has assisted Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB in connection with the acquisition of Swed-Weld
TM & Partners has assisted Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB in connection with the acquisition of AB Swed-Weld Fides, a Swedish provider of smart automated screw and nut feeding systems with a focus on the...
TM & Partners has assisted Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB in connection with the acquisition of AB...
Mandates | 2024-02-23
We have advised CombinedX AB (publ) on the acquisition of the consulting business M3CS
We have assisted CombinedX (publ), which through its wholly owned subsidiary CombinedX Professional Services, has acquired the business of M3CS AB. The acquisition took place through an asset transfer and entails that the business will...
We have assisted CombinedX (publ), which through its wholly owned subsidiary CombinedX Professional Services, has acquired the...
Mandates | 2024-01-24
Legal advisor to NetNordic in connection with the acquisitions of EdgeGuide and Gohybrid
We have assisted Norvestor’s portfolio company NetNordic, a Nordic system integrator specialized in solutions and services within Network, Security, Cloud and Collaboration, in connection with the acquisition of Gohybrid in October 2023 and the acquisition...
We have assisted Norvestor’s portfolio company NetNordic, a Nordic system integrator specialized in solutions and services within...
Mandates | 2024-01-15
Legal advisor to Team Olivia in connection with sale to Attendo
We advise Team Olivia in connection with the sale of Team Olivia’s Swedish care division, including the operations within Individual & Family and Home Care business, to Attendo. The division, which in the transaction is...
We advise Team Olivia in connection with the sale of Team Olivia’s Swedish care division, including the...
Mandates | 2023-10-03
We have assisted Jetpak Group AB in connection with the acquisition of BudAB AB
We have assisted Jetpak Group AB (“Jetpak”) with the acquisition of BudAB AB (“BudAB”). BudAB has its base at Arlandastad-Stockholm, and the business is based on courier and distribution logistics mainly in the Stockholm and...
We have assisted Jetpak Group AB (“Jetpak”) with the acquisition of BudAB AB (“BudAB”). BudAB has its...
Mandates | 2025-01-16

TM & Partners has assisted Priveq in connection with an investment in ProTrain

TM & Partners has assisted Priveq in connection with an investment in ProTrain Holding AB and its subsidiaries.

ProTrain is a rapidly growing company focusing on providing innovative and flexible services within the railway industry. Through the investment, Priveq becomes a new majority owner of the ProTrain group while the current owners will remain as significant minority shareholders. Priveq’s investment provides ProTrain with a partner that will strengthen the company ahead of future growth.

For more information regarding the investment, please see the press release:

Our team consisted of:
Per Granström (Partner, M&A)
Tom Bovaller (Associate, M&A)
Samuel Net (Associate, M&A)
Tobhias Brandell (Partner, Banking & Finance)
Anna Kireeva (Associate, Banking & Finance)
Daniel Thell (Associate, Banking & Finance)
Karolina Kjellberg (Senior Associate, Tech)
Francisco Stråhle (Associate, Tech)
Vilma Hansson (Associate, Employment law)
Carl Östlund (Senior Associate, Employment law)
Ulrica Alvestrand Körling (Senior Associate, Real Estate)

For more information, please contact Per Granström:
Phone: +46 76-00 283 60

Mandates | 2025-01-15

TM & Partners has assisted Highcamp AB in connection with the sale and divestment of Invise Agency AB to Siloy Nordics AB

TM & Partners has assisted Highcamp AB in connection with the sale of Invise Agency AB to Siloy Nordics AB.

Invise Agency AB is a digital agency that brings sales, marketing, and technology together. With expertise in digital marketing, CRM, integrations, and change management, Invise Agency AB offers proven solutions to drive business growth, reduce administrative burdens, and strengthen the ability to grow or meet other internal demands for long-term business results.

Our team consisted of:
Per Granström (Partner, M&A)
Anna Elheim Sylten (Senior Associate, M&A)
Vilma Hansson (Associate, Employment law)

For more information, please contact:
Per Granström
Phone: +46 76 00 283 60

Mandates | 2024-11-28

TM & Partners has assisted LIWLIG Group in connection with the acquisition of PS Occasion

TM & Partners has assisted LIWLIG Group Oy in connection with the acquisition of PS Occasion Holding AB and its subsidiaries.

PS Occasion is a Stockholm-based event management agency with 50 employees that has been active in the Nordics for over 20 years. The acquisition strengthens LIWLIG Group’s presence in Sweden and its position as the leading event agency group in the Nordics.

For more information regarding the acquisition, please see the press release:

Our team consisted of:

Sten Hedbäck (Partner, M&A)
Tom Bovaller (Associate, M&A)
Sara Jacobson (Senior Associate, M&A)
Samuel Net (Associate, M&A)
Carl Östlund (Senior Associate, Employment law)
Vilma Hansson (Associate, Employment law)
Ludvig Tidhult (Associate, Tech)
Amela Balijaj (Senior Associate, Real Estate)

For more information, please contact:
Sten Hedbäck
Phone: 076-00 283 05

News | 2024-10-01

Employment Law News Q3 2024

In this issue, we focus on several key rulings from the Swedish Labor Court that have significant implications for employers. We delve into case AD 2024 no. 72, where H&M was scrutinized for its handling of employees on parental leave during a company reorganization, and case AD 2024 no. 66, where Region Stockholm faced allegations of disability discrimination. Additionally, we highlight the new rule under the Agency Work Act, which will soon be applied for the first time, requiring companies to offer permanent positions to long-term agency workers. Stay informed on the latest legal developments impacting your workplace.

AD 2024 nr 66

In case AD 2024 no. 66, the Swedish Labor Court examined whether Region Stockholm had violated the Discrimination Act (2008:567) by canceling a job interview for a wheelchair-bound applicant applying for an assistant nurse position in a neonatal unit. The main considerations in the court’s assessment were whether the cancellation constituted direct discrimination and if reasonable accommodations were provided. The court found no evidence of direct discrimination, concluding that the job interview was not canceled solely due to the applicant’s disability, but rather based on her ability to perform the required work duties. Additionally, the court ruled that Region Stockholm had not failed to fulfill its accessibility obligations under law, as the specific care needs of the patients could not be adequately addressed through accessibility measures. Accordingly, the Labor Court ruled that Region Stockholm had not breached the Discrimination Act.

TM reflection: This case law is interesting as it clarifies how far an employer must accommodate the workplace to enable a disabled employee to perform their job. The case is based on the specific circumstances, but the Labour Court provides guidance on how employers should approach such assessments.

AD 2024 nr 72

In case AD 2024 no. 72, the Swedish Labor Court examined whether H&M Hennes & Mauritz Sverige AB had violated the Parental Leave Act (1995:584) by allowing the transition period (Sw. övergångsperiod) for two employees on parental leave to run during their absence. H&M underwent a major reorganization and offered employees reassignments to new positions with lower employment levels. According to the applicable collective bargaining agreement, an employee in such a situation is entitled to a certain transition period.

Two of the employees were on parental leave when they received the reassignment offer. The primary consideration was whether the company’s actions constituted prohibited discrimination under the Parental Leave Act, which safeguards employees from being disadvantaged due to their parental leave. The court also assessed the interpretation of the collective bargaining agreement regarding transition periods and their applicability during an employee’s parental leave. Accordingly, the Labor Court concluded that H&M had not breached the Parental Leave Act, as the transition period was managed in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement without any discriminatory intent or effect.

TM reflection: This case is not only interesting for employers under the same collective bargaining agreement as H&M, but also for other employers, as a rule that in principle corresponds to that of the collective bargaining agreement was adopted in connection with the 2022 legislative amendments to section 7b of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80).

New rule in the Agency Work Act (2012:854) will be applied for the first time soon

As part of the reformed Employment Protection Act (1982:80), the Agency Work Act (2012:854) introduced a new rule. As previously reported, the rule mandates that client companies must offer permanent employment to agency workers who have been placed at the same operational unit within the client company for more than 24 months over a 36-month period. Alternatively, the client company can compensate the worker with two months’ salary. This rule, effective from October 1, 2022, is about to be applied for the first time. It is therefore time to review the engagement period if you engage agency workers to avoid missing any deadlines.

As these recent cases demonstrate, employment law is constantly evolving. To ensure your organization remains compliant and avoids costly legal pitfalls, it’s crucial to stay informed and proactive. If you have any questions or if you need tailored legal advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. 

Anna Jerndorf

Head of Employment
Mobile: +46 76 00 283 32

Carl Östlund
Advokat, Senior Associate
Mobile: +46 76 00 283 30

Vilma Hansson
Mobile: +46 76 00 283 39

Mandates | 2024-09-30

TM & Partners has assisted PropTech Energy in connection with the acquisition of Alova Fastighetsteknik AB

TM & Partners has assisted PropTech Energy, majority owned by Procuritas, in connection with the acquisition of Alova Fastighetsteknik AB. PropTech Energy consists of the companies Ömangruppen, Axcell Fastighetspartner and P2 Energi. This acquisition strengthens PropTech Energy’s presence in the Stockholm region and enhances the group’s capacity to offer high-quality technical solutions to property owners.

For more information regarding the acquisition, please see the press release:

Our team consisted of:
Sten Hedbäck (Partner, M&A)
Arvid Riemer (Associate, M&A)
Lovisa Björk (Associate, M&A)
Carl Östlund (Senior Associate, Employment law)
Vilma Hansson (Associate, Employment law)
Patrik Arosenius (Associate, Real Estate)

For more information, please contact Sten Hedbäck:
Phone: +46 76 00 283 05

Mandates | 2024-07-03

TM & Partners has assisted Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB in connection with the acquisition of Swed-Weld

TM & Partners has assisted Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB in connection with the acquisition of AB Swed-Weld Fides, a Swedish provider of smart automated screw and nut feeding systems with a focus on the automotive industry.

For more information regarding the transaction, please see the press release:

Our team consisted of:

Vaiva Eriksson | Partner | M&A
Tom Bovaller | M&A
Lovisa Björk | M&A
Emma Ström | M&A
Carl Östlund | Employment law
Vilma Hansson | Employment law
Andreas Sahlstedt | Real Estate

Mandates | 2024-02-23

We have advised CombinedX AB (publ) on the acquisition of the consulting business M3CS

We have assisted CombinedX (publ), which through its wholly owned subsidiary CombinedX Professional Services, has acquired the business of M3CS AB. The acquisition took place through an asset transfer and entails that the business will be conducted under the existing name but with a new registration number.

The consultancy business M3CS AB engages around 80 consultants, with expertise and experience in implementing, managing, and supporting Infor’s business system M3 and the CloudSuite platform with associated integrations.

CombinedX is a knowledge company with the ambition to be a market-leading specialist company that helps companies and organisations take advantage of the opportunities of digitalisation. It delivers services through wholly owned specialist companies, each of which has market-leading technology and business expertise in its niche.

For more information, see the press release.

Our team consisted, amongst others, of:

Mandates | 2024-01-24

Legal advisor to NetNordic in connection with the acquisitions of EdgeGuide and Gohybrid

We have assisted Norvestor’s portfolio company NetNordic, a Nordic system integrator specialized in solutions and services within Network, Security, Cloud and Collaboration, in connection with the acquisition of Gohybrid in October 2023 and the acquisition of EdgeGuide in January 2024.

Our team consisted of:


Mandates | 2024-01-15

Legal advisor to Team Olivia in connection with sale to Attendo

We advise Team Olivia in connection with the sale of Team Olivia’s Swedish care division, including the operations within Individual & Family and Home Care business, to Attendo. The division, which in the transaction is valued at SEK 950 million on a cash and debt free basis, includes appr. 120 care units with close to 3,000 employees, with annual sales of appr. SEK 1,350 million.

The transaction is subject to customary conditions and approvals and is expected to close in the beginning of 2024.

Team Olivia’s main owner is Procuritas Capital Investors IV GP Ltd.

Our team consists of:

For more information, please contact Sten Hedbäck:
Tel: +46 76 00 283 05

Mandates | 2023-10-03

We have assisted Jetpak Group AB in connection with the acquisition of BudAB AB

We have assisted Jetpak Group AB (“Jetpak”) with the acquisition of BudAB AB (“BudAB”). BudAB has its base at Arlandastad-Stockholm, and the business is based on courier and distribution logistics mainly in the Stockholm and Central Sweden region, including logistic management at Arlanda Airport.

Jetpak offers solutions for both spontaneous transport needs and customized logistics. They are represented in more than 170 locations in the Nordics and in Europe.

Jetpak has a unique and flexible customer offering based on the availability of normally approximately 4,000 departures daily and an extensive distribution network with approximately 950 courier vehicles. This enables Jetpak to offer the market to deliver the fastest and most comprehensive same-day service. This can be further supplemented with a unique tailor-made next-day service for system-based transports.

For more information, please visit Jetpak Group.

TM & Partner’s team consisted of: